Purpose Jobs Recognizes DASI Simulations for Best Culture for the Second Year

Purpose Jobs, the Midwest’s largest startup and tech community, today announced DASI Simulations to its list of companies with the best culture. The list covered companies around the Midwest, as well as remote companies that are actively hiring in emerging tech hubs.

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Georgia Tech Professor’s AI-Driven Predictive Modeling Startup Receives FDA Approval for Life-Saving, Personalized Cardiac Care

DASI Simulations, a startup founded in 2020 by Georgia Tech professor Dr. Lakshmi Dasi and Teri Sirset, aims to address this issue with predictive artificial intelligence (AI) that enables personalized and optimized treatment.

Continue ReadingGeorgia Tech Professor’s AI-Driven Predictive Modeling Startup Receives FDA Approval for Life-Saving, Personalized Cardiac Care